Hi There! My name is Jeff Goebel, and I’m the guy who created over 20 years ago. I’m friendly and always willing to say HI and answer questions. If you see me in the webcam below, feel free to say Hi.
WARNING: The webcam may contain nudity and gross actions that offend or disgust you.
These are some of my blog postings, many of which are first drafts complete with all the non-proofread errors.
My Friday Night Activity Contact Sheet
When I first started in photography, I was probably about 15. I developed my interest in photography because my father was interested in it and spending more time with the next-door neighbour, conveniently also named Jeff, instead of me. However, shortly into it I...
Dead Vera won some money
Disclaimer. As of November 14th when I wrote this, Vera Macdonald was alone and thriving on Facebook. The Vera I refer to in this blog is a fake Romanian Vera Macdonald, trying to get me to pay for my winnings. Conversation Information Vera Macdonald WED 4:52 AM...
The top choice. Age 55.
Age 55 seems like a nice OCD age to make a change. I wouldn't change my whole style at 54, even if that is a round number. I wonder if 55 is a Prime number. It might be. I'm super pissed I deleted a very long blog entry just now. A big one, accidentally...
Tuesday Transit Talk
I didn't blog from my subway ride for a couple of trips because my timing was off and the ride was busy. Toronto transit is great but it's better when you're not riding at the same time as all the other passengers. School rush hour is earlier than business rush hour...
Short sleeve Tuesday
Today is the first day I've taken the bus where most people have ditched their spring coats or sweaters. Last time I was one of the only riders in short sleeves. But today only the foreigners and homeless are wearing costs. I can see naked arms everywhere and somehow...
North is Right
I've always been good at directions and navigation with a few notable exceptions. When I was visiting Chicago, I continuously got confused about Eastbound and Westbound highway exits because the lake was in the North, whereas the Toronto lake is in the south More...
Work Monday
Monday was the night of the big switchover on the stressful work contract I've been using to face my mental health and return into life as a productive employable worjer. The weeks preceding have been a strange mixtures of highs and lows emotionally as I continue to...
Rainy Wednesday
Today is a day that will test my new skills. It's a depressing cold, gray Wednesday. It's 10am and I've already experienced a few low points and terrifying moments of failure already. The kind of things that stand up and remind me the good streak I've been riding is...
Fake Monday blog
I've been blogging on my bus and subway rides as a good way to work out my feelings and mindset in between therapy. It's helpful, and I recommend it, even if you don't really tell anybody about the blogs. They can still be therapeutic. It's the new socially...
I'm just the right amount of the high to blog, and 9:36pm on a Thursday. I am doing my best not to panic, and not to freak out, because I feel a failure cominhg on, and I'm not sure what to do about it. Noteable this week. Phyciatrist on Monday. Weird. Not easy....