
Duckman: Private Dick/Family Man (1994–1997)

bulge.wav …Where’s my bathing suit with the padded bulge?
dukman55.wav I can’t believe somebody broke into the brassier on a stick warehouse…
urnaked.wav Wait a minute! You’re naked under there? …
bookem.wav Book ’em Dano
inapprop.wav I’m sorry. That was highly inappropriate
limbaugh.wav That’s either an earthquake or Rush Limbaugh
nutriton.wav …Care to chow down on my meat and two vegetables (SLAP)
pretend.wav This isn’t one of those holidays where you have to pretend to be Jewish
urinal.wav What led you to our door? Those flyers in the public urinal?
thinking.wav Warn us next time you’re planning on thinking.
tongue.wav Cornfed: …I wanted to sublet her tounge and move in…
t_r_p.wav Cornfed: She was trouble with a capital T…
woodchuk.wav Cornfed pondering several life puzzles like how much wood could a woodchuck chuck…
yourcase.wav What duckman is trying to say… is that we’d love to hear about your case
dm-simps.wav Cornfed: Simpsons WANNABE…
lies.wav Cornfed: Her real name isn’t even Tamara La Boink…
senate.wav Hello… I’m senator Stark…
monday.wav Cornfed: It was a Dark and Stormy Monday…
morgue.wav How much can one duck take? A whole week without caffeine…
poweroff.wav Power Off! Let’s Go!
procreat.wav Cornfed: No father, I’ve done much worse?
rejoin.wav Cornfed: Never Mind. Shall we re-join the world?
itch.wav Babe: If you’ve got the itch, I’ve got the scratch
inbed.wav …someone who can handle themselves in bed… and no doubt often does.
hadsex.wav Cornfed: …something that made me want to get a membership at her Y.
1stamend.wav Cornfed: …hide behind the first amendment as comedy
abcdefg.wav Duckman belches ABCDEFG
addicted.wav Cornfed: They treat a wide variety of addictions here…
fruitloo.wav Cornfed: You’re living in the house of denial, and we’re the men with the moving vans
bulge.wav …Where’s my bathing suit with the padded bulge?…
flashbac.wav Cornfed: I know if I came up with a solution that had disregard for the facts…
ithink.wav Well, I think – WHO GIVES A…
bitter.wav Cornfed… It’s OK. I’ll be alright…
lsuits.wav Several Suits pending against me from the teen chat line…
drug.wav Cornfed describes a drug
slurs1.wav Duckman’s other attack at clean comedy
dm-stare.wav What the hell are you staring at?


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