meow.wav meow.wav Meow Meow Meow Meow (song/commercial) | |
mad-hell.mp3 mad-hell.wav Network: I’m MAD AS HELL, and I’m not going to take it anymore! | |
gwtw.mp3 gwtw.wav Gone with the Wind: Frankly my dear… | |
cbyoukid.mp3 cbyoukid.wav Bogart: Here’s looking at you, kid. | |
mess.mp3 mess.wav Laurel: Another fine mess you’ve gotten me into | |
bogart.mp3 bogart.wav Bogart: Here’s looking at you kid. | |
mankind.mp3 mankind.wav Armstrong lands on moon: One small step… | |
whosn1st.mp3 whosn1st.wav Who’s on first? | |
tvad001.mp3 tvad001.wav Where’s the Beef? | |
moon.mp3 moon.wav One small step for man… | |
abombtru.mp3 abombtru.wav Truman’s speech about bomb | |
cbregret.mp3 cbregret.wav Bogart: If you don’t get on that plane… | |
nixon1.mp3 nixon1.wav Nixon: I am not a crook | |
jfk.mp3 jfk.wav Ask not what your country can do for you… | |
tarzan.mp3 tarzan.wav Tarzan’s yelp | |
funny.mp3 funny.wav Good Fellas: How am I funny? | |
rumble.mp3 rumble.wav GET READY TO RUMBLE (wrestling start) | |
dvldance.mp3 dvldance.wav Batman: Dance with the devil… | |
makeday.mp3 makeday.wav Go ahead… Make my Day | |
badges.mp3 badges.wav Badges? We don’t need no stinking badges | |
andnow2.mp3 andnow2.wav And now for something completely different | |
alive.mp3 alive.wav Young Frankenstein: It’s alive! It’s alive! | |
bettyb~1.mp3 bettyb~1.wav Betty Boop: Be Boop Be Doop | |
boxchoc.mp3 boxchoc.wav Life is like a box of chocolates | |
sorydave.mp3 sorydave.wav 2001: Hal says; SORRY DAVE… | |
vista.mp3 vista.wav Asta La Vista Baby | |
frankly.mp3 frankly.wav Gone with the wind: Frankly my dear… | |
soylent.mp3 soylent.wav Soylent Green is People | |
ed_sul01.mp3 ed_sul01.wav Ed Sulivan: We have a big show for you… | |
elvis.mp3 elvis.wav Elvis has left the building | |
excelnt.mp3 excelnt.wav Bill and Ted: Excellent | |
jb-feel.mp3 jb-feel.wav James Brown; I feel Good! | |
excelent.mp3 excelent.wav Monty Burns: Excellent | |
fallen.mp3 fallen.wav I’ve fallen, and I can’t get up | |
yipekay1.mp3 yipekay1.wav Yippie Kayeh | |
failure.mp3 failure.wav What we have here, is a failure to communicate (full) | |
humbug.mp3 humbug.wav Bah! Humbug! | |
pepsi.mp3 pepsi.wav 50′s style Pepsi commercial |