Sketch Comedy Script Performaces

Public Domain - Royalty free - Free skits

Several people have used my scripts around the world, and shared with me their final presentations.  Some were audio only, like those from Chuck Curtis, and others have been offered on YouTube.  Once, my script for THE TIE was even performed LIVE by Avatars in the virtual world of Second Life.


Other Performances

Chuck Curtis Performances

Chuck Curtis is a Radio DJ and freelance writer, comedy actor and wood craftsman. He took it upon himself to produce quality radio versions of my scripts, with some minor writer modifications.

Chuck has allowed me to offer these plays here, performed by himself and his daughter Pamela Taylor.

The Audition- Featuring Chuck Curtis and  John Lovering.
– FinalEdit_Auditions_24m20s_03_22_11

The Guinea Pig   – featuring Chuck Curtis and Pamela Taylor
The Guinea Pig

The Scarf (The Tie)  – featuring Chuck Curtis, Pamela Taylor, and Susan O’Grady.

Doris featuring Pamela Taylor and Chuck Curtis.
Doris Final

The Thief  – featuring Pamela Taylor and Susan O’Grady.
thief complete 0707

Pamela Taylor




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