Cash my Money Order For me
It is important to note these chatters are random. This is the first time I have ever chatted with this stranger, despite the fact it looks like they know me. For a Nigerian, this one asks for money very fast. Most take hours.
sandramikky: how are u doing today and where are u?
Jeff G: Where am I? I am at home.
sandramikky: ok
Jeff G: I’m doing ok. It could be cooler.
sandramikky: am still here in africa and i will be coming home this week
Jeff G: Where is home for you?
sandramikky: canada sandramikky: what are u up to now?
Jeff G: Just replying to some email. My work day is finished.
sandramikky: that is cool
Jeff G: When do you start asking for things? 5 minutes in, or do you wait longer? What is the longest you’ve waited before asking for things?
sandramikky: acuaslly i just came in sandramikky: but i ve something important to tell u if u dont mind
Jeff G: Sure. Tell away!
sandramikky: really?
Jeff G: I am fascinated with who you are, and your quest to find gullible Canadians or Americans. Go on…
Jeff G: or not…
sandramikky: what are u talikg about?
Jeff G: Ignore me and tell me your story. I am curious.
sandramikky: do u know what?
sandramikky: i wull taeel u latersandramikky: brb sandramikky: hello sandramikky: are u there?
Jeff G: hi sandramikky: ok sandramikky: am back now
Jeff G: Ready to tell your story?
sandramikky: am having little problem with the Bank here
Jeff G: Of course.
sandramikky: they dont want to cash my MO and i dont ve any cash with me here sandramikky: so i will ve to look 4 someone to help me to cash the MO
Jeff G: That sucks. There are lots of store-type banks around here… What about Western Union style places?
sandramikky: they cant sandramikky: i will ve look 4 the person that i can trust to help me cash it
Jeff G: Sucks to be you. Maybe you can find some sap on the Internet to send you money… oh wait, that’s who I am.
Jeff G: How many guys do you chat with at once?
sandramikky: u only
Jeff G: Oh, ok. You must type very slowly. Maybe you need to translate. Jeff G: Can I use your story on my web site?
sandramikky: are u going to help me to cash it?
Jeff G: You know… find chat people and get them to send you money. I hear it’s the number two cash flow for Africa. Mainly Nigeria. Jeff G: They teach classes apparently.
Jeff G: It’s the FBI’s number 1 foreign problem. Some people actually fall for it.
Jeff G: Sorry. I didn’t mean to interrupt. Continue asking me for money. I’ll play along. It’s been fun so far.
I never heard a word more.