Hi There! My name is Jeff Goebel, and I’m the guy who created over 20 years ago. I’m friendly and always willing to say HI and answer questions. If you see me in the webcam below, feel free to say Hi.
WARNING: The webcam may contain nudity and gross actions that offend or disgust you.
These are some of my blog postings, many of which are first drafts complete with all the non-proofread errors.
It’s not the definition of insanity
I never liked the quote about the definition of insanity. It couldn’t be more incorrect.
David Attenborough Explains the Urban Sloth
I am more like a sloth than a cheeta.
Chat bot Chat
I wanted a new project that wasn't going to take forever and didn't include drug use so that I could share it more openly. I decided to let chat...
The Trust Issue
I have known two friends in my life that don’t love themselves. They have not been overly successful in finding partners because of this. This little story came to me after a dream and I am debating whether to share it with them or not.