I don’t usually cater to the whims of others. I do what I want, not what the fans want. Luckily, they seem to like the same things I do, and it usually works out. This past week, I got an instant message from a self proclaimed “biggest fan”. Before to long, and without really mentioning anything about himself, he asks me if I’d make a page about him. That’s all. He just demands it. Over the next few days, I get instant messages asking why it isn’t active yet. “Make a page about me, or I’ll bug you all the time”. He actually says he’ll be insistent. I want to comply, but he offers me nothing of interest. No humour, no oddness, no interesting lies. Just the demand that I need to do this or he’ll bug me – using a different MSN name each day I assume. Now I want to make it clear. This was a one time deal. I will not make every fan who asks a page unless they impress me, or freak me out, or something more than bland fanship. This only made the cut because it was almost interesting enough on the non-interesting side of the spectrum. Also be warned this page is less funny than most.
So I comply.
tStranger says: Hello
Jeff says: hello tStranger says: Mr. Goebol is it?
Jeff says: Close enough tStranger says: I will be really insistent
Jeff says: I don’t know what that means. tStranger says: If ya don’t make a page on me
Jeff says: oh you… crazyboy.
Jeff says: Currently your page would be: A guy chats me and asks me to make a page about him. He tells me nothing and shows nothing of interest, and then asks again. tStranger says: I seen ya page on internet and I bought Book!
Jeff says: That just doesn’t make any sense at all. How can I make a page about somebody I know nothing about. tStranger says: You’ve done it before
Jeff says: I told you, if all you want is your name in lights, start a message in the forum… or guestbook.
Jeff says: I don’t believe you bought BOOK tStranger says: You’ve told ma nothing tStranger says: I jest meet ya
Jeff says: ok tStranger says: Coolies
Jeff says: done. tStranger says: Me feels special
Jeff says: http://frogstar.biz/soon.asp
tStranger says: That no page tStranger says: Nothing be on it
Jeff says: I will make a page for you if you can use real English for 10 minutes. tStranger says: Deal tStranger says: I’ll do it
Jeff says: what would you like it to be? tStranger says: Just a transcript of this chat so sar
Jeff says: ok.
Jeff says: But you used different user ID’s tStranger says: ?
Jeff says: Last time you were somebody different, were you not? tStranger says: Yeah tStranger says: Call it the persistent fan.
Jeff says: How old are you? tStranger says: 21
Jeff says: ha ha ha… ok, how old are you really? tStranger says: 18 tStranger says: Fine 16
Jeff says: You have not yet learned that when you lie so easily once, it means we have no reason to believe your second or third or fourth try. Your actions and words show me more. I do not believe you are as old as 16. tStranger says: I am tStranger says: 10/28/1989 tStranger says: me brith date tStranger says: my bith date* tStranger says: birth*
Jeff says: aha! Wrong english. I win.
Jeff says: No web page required. tStranger says: Come tStranger says: on
Jeff says: hehehe… Ok, I’ll give you that one as a typo. tStranger says: You said you’d make one tStranger says: Please
Jeff says: You’ve been pretty good at keeping chat to real English. I am actually making one now. tStranger says: Thank you so much tStranger says: Let me know when you are finished
Jeff says: Done.
(two days later, he asked I take it down because he didn’t want people to know his email)