It's Your Fault
THE CREATIVE THINKING GAMEBy Jeff Goebel and some guy named Mitchell Sheppard.
I love games, and in my life, I’ve made up a few. This is one I’m proud of, and since I published it online over 10 years ago, some others have enjoyed it too. Not everyone “gets” it, but those who do can always be up for a fun game, in chat, text, forums or live with a friend. It’s a good way to pass the time.
This game is a logical thinking game. Easy to begin, but nearly impossible to end.
Pass blame on the opponent, or the opponent’s family heritage.
The game takes the lines of an argument. Whomever is elected to go first, simply says “It’s your fault” to start the game. From this point, each new turn must creatively fictionalize a reason why it is in fact, NOT your fault, and pass the blame. The game continues forever, or until one player gives up, or breaks a rule.
Invented by two school children on the morning bus ride over the course of a few years. I no longer have the slightest idea where Mitchell Sheppard is, or if he’d even remember this silly little pastime, but I have always loved this game. Although it was invented as a verbal thinking game, it lends itself perfectly to the Internet, and can be used via email, ICQ, Instant messenger, chat rooms or even discussion forums. If you like “It’s Your Fault”, please please please tell me, and try to always remember where you learned it.
Some people get it. Some don’t.
Nobody can ever discuss or disclose the event itself. You must never say what it is that you’re talking about.Every turn MUST include the statement “It’s your fault” somewhere. This is the most common slip up, so some players choose not to enforce this option as a game ending rule. Also, variations may be accepted as long as the word “fault” is used.
Everything said within a turn is considered to be fact, and can not be disputed. You can not suddenly remember a different story or excuse. Nothing can ever contradict any point made. This is considered a loss. If you are told you to blame because you chose the paint, then this is true. You can not answer with “No I didn’t.”
During game play, blame must always be passed to the opposing player, or their family heritage. Players are free to fictionalize any family member as required, and these must not be apposed. If player one says player two has a 6 year old sister, then this becomes canon for the game. Player two can not say; “I don’t have a sister”.
Families can never cross. No inter-family marriages are allowed. The game is based on blame being certain, not wishy-washy.
No adoption of any kind.
Every turn must include only stories that “could” actually happen within the rules of our known universe. Nothing nonsensical can be introduced into the story. Science is the law.
Although blame may quickly jump to generations of “great great great” grandparents, the time-line is also a priority. It is unlikely your brother was alive at the same time of your great great great great uncle. Breaking logical timelines is considered a loss. At some point however, it may be worthwhile to just start using terms like “his uncle” rather than continually remembering how many levels of “great” an uncle may be.
Each new turn must be directly related to the previous statement. You can not start a new thought, without specifically linking to the previous turn. Most new turns will go backwards in time.
No family can own utility companies like water or power etc.
No religion. No son of God or God references.
No single conceptual idea may be re-used. This includes concepts such as property ownership, company ownership, etc. The rule is self governed, so each player must be happy with any decisions, or the turn is canceled. If you choose, disputes over this rule can be nullified without ending the game. The player may simply choose another route, and change their story.
Be as creative as you like, but do not include more than one new thought per turn. No need to offer fantastic details that could be used against you. Shorter answers are better.
“It’s Your Fault” is a great game for computer chat rooms, MSN or Facebook messenger. You can play with people at work, or at home, or both. Near, far, friends, strangers. I’m always looking for a new challenge.
I’ll link you!Let me know! I love fan mail, and I’d LOVE to hear you’re playing my game.
If I’m around, and not too busy, I try to accept a challenge. Check out my live webcam or chat links.
SAMPLE GAME:P1: It’s your fault.
P2: No, it’s your fault, because you made the call.
P1: I may have made the call, yes, but I used your phone.
P2: The red phone? You mean one your sister bought for me last Tuesday? That phone? She bought it, it’s your fault.
P1: Oh yes, I remember that. I had forgotten she bought that for you. She originally had bought you a pen for your birthday, but when you gave her that Sony Playstation 2 for her baptism, she felt the pen would be embarrassing, and she asked your Mother for ideas. Your mother suggested the phone. Its your fault.
P2: I can see you how you’d think that, but my mother only knew it was a good gift idea because of you. It’s your fault because you smashed my old phone while my mom was watching. I still can’t believe you did that.
P1: Its your fault dude! How can you not remember the whole story buddy? Your mother only came to the window in the first place because you started screaming at full volume; “Mommy Mommy Mommy!” when you stubbed your toe.
P2: Yeah, on the skateboard you made. It’s your fault.
P1: Out of wood you cut down. It’s your fault.
P2: From trees on your grandfather’s property. It’s your fault.
P1: Which he bought from your mother’s real estate office. It’s your fault.
P2: She got her license at your Dad’s school. It’s your fault.
P1: Ah. I am shocked you’d use that defence. Its obviously still your fault, because it was your Uncle Sylvester that built that school when he was only 26. It was in all the papers.
P2: On land he bought from —-Buzzzz… Loss. Game 1 goes to Player 1. Land ownership was used already.