A while ago, I transitioned my late night journal writing hobby to video. I started talking into the camera instead of writing things down.  For the first year, I saved them on my hard drive, but I wasn’t sharing them.  January is traditionally a month of new years resolutions, and so I started a new project. I found a site to motivate me. It lets me record a 10 second video every day about a project. I chose to find a new income stream in 2014 and boost my monthly money.

Of course, I’m a ramblin’ guy (oh yeah) and such, 10 seconds wasn’t enough. It was almost silly.  So I started a YouTube channel, and have been recording one (or more) videos a day.  My process and progress towards finding some extra money this year. The blog has become less important.  Now I can turn on a camera and ramble for 2 minutes or 20 and not have to type.

